When The Dead Came 1 & 2

Saturday, October 15, 2016

No Paperback Available

I'm sorry to say that there will not be a printed paperback for When It Ends/Aftermath. Createspace is still not working like it had for the other books, it claims you can upload the file in PDF and docx. Both will not work. With the docx version, it only uploads 168 pages and then cuts off. And with PDF, it claims it cannot read it. I'm not sure what else to do to make it work.
So, I think I will try something different. I plan on writing it all out on paper. And since I don't have access to a printer or a copy machine, this will be a unique thing here. I think I will write at least 10 by hand and make them available for purchase. So, it will be a rare opportunity that I'm doing for those interested in receiving a hand written version of When It Ends/Aftermath.
Interested? Then please, send an email requesting one.
To make it better, for these first 10 I'm gonna write out, I will not charge any money. Hell, I could even add a personal message. Guess make this into the first Giveaway I have ever done (short from the free week for them on Amazon), except this will be different.
Just email me at ana_25michael2014@outlook.com
If you want to take advantage of this.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

When It Ends/Aftermath Available Now

Hope everyone is having a great day. After all the trouble of trying to work on it, When It Ends/Aftermath is finally available for purchase on Amazon Kindle. I'm still working on how I can release it in paperback, but that could take some time.
It's available in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India.
Paperback will be available eventually, I will make sure of that.



Good day everyone again. I'm just posting to let you know that there was a minor setback in When It Ends/Aftermath. I usually release it through Createspace, but unfortunately, they kept messing up. It would only upload up to 168 pages and they didn't upload the cover right. So instead of Createspace, the book will be available on Amazon very soon. It'll be on Kindle (maybe even paperback) for $3.00 and $0.99 through Amazon Kindle Matchbook.
Through Amazon Kindle, it will be available in all countries and many languages. I got to see a preview of the book, it will have 3,678 pages, be about .38 MB I believe.
For the release, it will be available in the U.S. in 24 hours and available in other countries in 48 hours.
Thank you for your patience.
Haha, I was thinking if it didn't work on Amazon Kindle, then my next solution was going to write copies out by hand and sell them that way.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Good day everyone. It took years to finish, but the announcement for you is: When It Ends/Aftermath is complete. It will be available soon, within 24 to 48 hours and the cover is complete. I drew it in a series of shadings and dots, signed the cover, and wrote the title down.
I'm glad to be done, because I was losing a lot of sleep and drinking way too much coffee over this final book.
The cover won't be in a glossy finish like the others, I figured it would be better done in a matte finish, seemed more fitting for a drawn cover.
In When It Ends/Aftermath, you will finally be introduced to the SGC and what they're all about. There's plenty of character deaths and of course the violence and language use.
Visit my Instagram, @ariana_torralba91, to see the front cover art. I plan on sharing it on here as well.
For a final sample, here is a short part from the book.

Ariana Torralba

"Do you think things will ever go back to normal?"
Justin scoffed," was it ever normal?" He laughed and glanced at Alex.
Alex smiled and shook his head," I'm serious, Justin. Will it ever go back to normal? Y'know, no zombies. Those remaining are back to living their lives, carefree. Couples having babies and raising kids, having a family to support, working, going to school and whatever else."
"You can still do all that," Justin insisted," you can still live life. Fighting the undead and finding supplies, that is your job. All of us, we are a family and support one another. School is learning the skills needed for survival. You can still have kids, but it will be harder until they're old enough."
"But wouldn't someone want to stay in a stable place to raise kids?" Justin shrugged.
"Maybe, but these days, it's best to just be classified as a nomad, Alex." His brother stared off, thinking about the world.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

And Closer

Good day to you all. I had planned to have the final book ready for Halloween, but it looks like I'll be done before then. Maybe this week even. I'm to the climax of the final part. Like I said before, most of the characters will be killed off, probably the only book of the series with the most character deaths (aside from Apocalypse World/Survive).
Just wanted to let you know that I'm almost done with When It Ends/Aftermath and of course, to share a sample again as I near the finish line.


The door opened and Derek walked out, taking a pack of cigarettes out and a lighter. Alex looked around again, a stray undead wandering towards him. He backed away toward the other side of the dugout. Waiting for the moment, the infected man walked over and lunged at him.
Derek, taking a smoke break, heard a yell across the ball field, loud shrieking and growling coming from the other side. Keeping his gun leveled, he rushed over. Running around the dug out, Derek observed, when the snarling happened to his right.
Turning his green eyes, standing at the door opening of the building, was Alex.

Closer To The Ending

Hello, been awhile again. I've been busy with family issues, as well as allergies, babysitting, and writers block. But tonight, I have done more work on the last book, When It Ends/Aftermath. Making progress and more character deaths. In the end, there will be at least three or two living characters left behind.
In the final book, if you have read the other books, you'll know the character Trevor. He goes off the deep end in the final book. You also are finally introduced to the SGC and what they're all about. The cover is ready and soon, the book will be ready and available for purchase.
I can't wait, because it'll be a relief for me to finally have it complete. Like some writers (I think), I do regret killing off certain characters. And my regret is killing off Justin, Alex's brother that had started and led the main characters.
In the meantime, I am planning on creating separate pages for each book (an idea brought up). The separate pages will have summaries, links to where they are available, and maybe the list of characters and a short background about them.
Here is a short sample from When It Ends/Aftermath for you. Enjoy and have a great night/day.


Andy screamed in pain and hit the guy in the head with the rifle he held. Dillon, seeing his best friend now infected, pointed his rifle and fired a couple shots. The bullets hitting Andy in the side of his head, he stopped struggling and dropped back against the wall, sinking down.
Alex climbed over the kitchen table and shoved it over, knocking a few down as he ran out of the kitchen. Dillon, reaching the archway of the kitchen, felt the numerous hands pull him back into the kitchen. He gripped the sides, trying to hold tightly as his fingers turned red.
Screaming, he yelled and shut his eyes tight as the hands and teeth dug into his back. Alex stopped and looked back at the painful scene before the decayed hands gripped Dillon's face, pulling him back.
Alex, grabbing the bags up, realized the front door was left open. "Fuck," he mumbled and ran out, slamming the door shut and running down the steps. He ran out into the middle of the road and looked north then all around. "Brent?!" Silence. "Pauline! Dustin!"
He wasn't sure where they went, but he didn't want to waste time finding them. He turned and ran back towards Anadarko, overlooking the fire ahead, Dillon's screams dying into the night.
