When The Dead Came 1 & 2

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tomorrow and Until the 13th

Been so long since I have done a free promotion. So, beginning March 9th and until March 13th, When It Ends/Aftermath will be free on Amazon Kindle. Plan on doing another free promotion for my birthday on March 23rd, looking forward to that.
If you haven't had a chance to read the final book and you have Kindle, go for it. In When It Ends/Aftermath, it continues where Apocalypse World/Survive ended, beginning with Avery as well as a new character (a few in this last book) and the introduction of the SGC. Along with new characters, there are deaths and a character that has a story on the past outbreaks.
This particular character is from another book that I had written years ago and haven't published yet. Don't worry, it'll be available eventually.
Meanwhile, I am near completion of another book I have been working on. Not a horror, but more of a comedy/drama/romance. Be looking forward to that.
Anyways, remember, free promotion from March 9th to March 13th for When It Ends/Aftermath.

