When The Dead Came 1 & 2

Friday, September 23, 2016

Good Night/Morning

Hello again. Been working on the book. Unfortunately, I am sick, nothing bad, just allergies. The weather fluctuates so much here that I seem to have year round allergies. Have a scratchy throat and sneezing. I'll be better soon though. Been back into Panic At The Disco and The Young Veins again. Spent earlier today outside, playing the bass guitar and singing to their music. It was relaxing. For awhile.
Anyways, I hope to have the last book finished finally, soon. So much debating on who should be killed off in the final book. I have finished the cover as well and just need to write he rest of it. It's a little difficult writing it up on my phone, my laptop is still messed up. I have Microsoft Office on my phone, but I guess since I have typed so much, it's to the point of not showing me what I typed until I save it. It's a bit frustrating. Anyways, I'm making progress as long as I have music and coffee. Below is another part from When It Ends/Aftermath. It's a conversation that Alex has with a character from another book I wrote years ago. Enjoy.


"Peter. He came into the bar, sweating like he had a fever. The guy looked young, maybe your age, or a little older. Poor guy looked ill as hell. He ordered a beer. Around that time, this guy that is always causing trouble, a bully, mind you. Came in and tried to threaten Peter. I recall Peter kept telling him he would leave if he keeps back... The kid, God, I can't remember his damn name! Anyways, he swung and punched the guy in the mouth and kept hitting him. I stopped it and forced the kid to leave. Layla walked over to help Peter up, but he urged her to stay back. He ran out. Later that night, hardly fifteen minutes later, that kid got violently sick, died, then turned in seconds. What made it worse was, he was at a pool party. That virus made your skin appear gray and brown, rotting from the inside out. You vomited and then died. The town was overrun then and these people showed up in helicopters. They blocked the entire vicinity off, no one was allowed to leave. We hid Peter down in this quarantine room in the closed down hospital. Half the people that came there, died and turned."
"How did you and the others get out?"
"We escaped. Had to fight through it, but, we got out. Climbed over the fencing and ran off into the trees. Before sunrise, they bombed the town. On the news they claimed it was a gas line issue in the town. We hid out in Oklahoma, then, they released another virus that made people sick and turning again. It was different than the one in town. The one here was spread easily, like the flu or ebola. You came in contact with bodily fluids, even sneezing and coughing, could get you sick. It made people vomit blood, bleed from their eyes, mouth, a high fever, and everything."
As Alex listened, he could picture it happening, and then recalled when Kyle explained it to them, going word for word on how Guy had died. He died from the virus. Hearing about these two first, unknown cases, made Alex realize how this current virus could be worse.

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